HLstats Development release
I’m happy to annouce a new Version of HLstats to you. But well it’s only a development release.
The intended purpose is to find any new bugs, verify the old ones and make some process in the development of HLstats.
Use this release to test and improve Hlstats.
I will be glad about some input about this.
Download and Important information
1.35a beta (released 2008-01-22) (beta release !)
(see more Details at https://sourceforge.net/projects/hlstats/ )
+) Fix: Bug 1831896
+) Fix: Bug 1676870
+) Fix: Bug 1548966
+) Fix: Bug 1455683
+) Fix: Bug 1008758
+) Fix: Player rank in playerinfo page were the kills instead the rank
+) Fix: wapons row in hlstats\_Events\_Frags was too short
Weapon Names were shortened and not correctly stored.
+) New: Patch 1822124
+) New: Patch 1822072
+) New: Patch 1376418
+) New: News plugin working correctly
+) New: Small arrows indicate the process of skill change (Feature request: 419869)
+) New: The stats can be reseted by game
+) New: Show last reset Date (at the gobal reset funktion) (Feature request: 441345)
+) New: Delete a Player from a Clan (Feature reuqest: 423813)
+) New: Adding gamesupport files via the web-interface
+) Update: hideranking option not only at players page. (Reature request: 471156)
+) Update: Various Weapon Images and Maps
+) Changed: Configuration hase been moved from hlstats.php
to hltstatsinc/hlstats.conf.inc.php
+) Changed: all include file have now .php at the end