Bilderkarussell mit MooTools
Nein wir gehen nicht auf den Jahrmark und drehen ne Runde um Karusell.
Wir lassen die Bilder drehen.
Hier sind zwei schöne Beispiele wie man Bilder als slideshow oder auch Bildergallerie darstellen kann.
Dazu braucht man nur ausagekräftige Bilder und MooTools
One of the most common problems a web developer usually face is related to continuously rotate a fragment of content. It can be a presentation of headlines, small fragments of news or a list of thumbnails. The nature of the thing being rotated doesn’t matter too much here because all those kind of applications share always the same idea: Rotating. This objective can be achieve in different ways like fading and scrolling. Well here is iCarousel becomes useful. It’s a one step forward trying to generalize all those types of widgets providing a rich presentation and making the task easy to be done.
* is a Javascript 3D carousel, using either MooTools framework and Reflection.js by Christophe Beyls, or Prototype.js and frameworks with Reflection.js.
Viel Spass damit.
Ich werde sicherlich das Erste verwenden.
banana out.