Hashing und PHP
Jeder der eine Benutzerdatenbank verwaltet, sollte die Passwörter nicht im Klartext abspeichern. Sollte ja bekanntlich nun jeder machen.
Es gibt dazu viele verschiedene Methoden und die verschiedensten Herangehensweisen. Hier ist nun ein Artikel der mehr darüber erklärt und auch sagt was sinnvol ist und was nicht.
Every developer should know that storing any type of password in plain text is the worst possible decision anyone can make in a secure environment. Between security and confidentiality which one will you choose? Nowadays hacking are perform through social engineering or an inside job, by an employee or trusted person. How exactly confident are you towards securing your stuff and confidentiality of your user? Most of us will know that the Reddit suffer from such problem when all their username and password were compromised as their password wasn’t hashed and stored as plain text. And twitter was attacked through social engineering recently. We won’t want this to happen to us right? Therefore, in this article you will get to know some ways to better hash your password in PHP and some ways to improve your security.
Better Hashing Password in PHP
Banana out.