Design roundup. Navigation,Signature, Buttons
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Email signatures are so easy to do well, that it’s really a shame how often they’re done poorly. Many people want their signature to reflect their personality, provide pertinent information and more, but they can easily go overboard. Why are email signatures important? They may be boring and the last item on your list of things to get right, but they affect the tone of every email you write.
The navigation of a website is meant to be clicked. It doesn’t need to blend in or be hard to find. It’s important that it stands out from the rest of the elements on the page, but yet still matches the overall style of the design. Here is a showcase of websites that achieve this in a very stylish way. These navs look amazing, have serious click appeal, and are guaranteed to inspire you.
Designing an informational/content-centered website (such as a portfolio or a blog) is much easier than designing a website where we have to deal with registered users. The target of websites that enable user accounts (such as or Gmail, for example) is to not only highlight their featured items and services, but to also convert visitors to signed-up users.
We’ve all come across websites with amazing designs only to be frustrated because it was hard to find things or confusing to use. As a web designer or developer, how do you know if this is happening to your website?
Statistical applications such as Google Analytics can help, but that’s not enough. To gain greater insight, you should take the time to engage, interact and understand your audience.
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