Wissenssammlung 01
ZeitNews.org is a science-oriented website dedicated to technology news. We operate as a branch of the Zeitgeist Movement’s Technology Team as an information hub which aims to inform as many people as possible about the current advancements and capabilities of science and technology. Technology is rapidly developing – faster than many of us realize – and with this website we aim to provide a clear picture of just how quickly this is happening through daily reporting of developments and breakthroughs around the world.
Boom! Samsung Sells 1 Million Galaxy Tabs
Samsung’s 7-inch tablet isn’t “dead on arrival” after all. In fact, Samsung has sold more than a million of them in less than two months.
MIT stellt Fingersteuerung im “Minority Report”-Stil vor
Eingaben auf einer virtuellen Tastatur wären mit Kinect bislang nicht möglich - schließlich kann das System nicht einzelne Finger erfassen. Das zu ändern, ist jetzt Studenten am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) mit Hilfe offener Treiber gelungen.
Laser weapon lasts for 6 hours
A 100-kilowatt solid-state laser that Northrop Grumman demonstrated for potential weapon applications 18 months ago has now fired at full power for more than 6 hours. How much that impresses you will depend on how much you know about laser weapons and how they would be used on the battlefield.
Apple’s Steve Wozniak: ‘We’ve lost a lot of control’
Leading a tour through an exhibit of computer artifacts – including giant supercomputers and Atari game systems – that opens next month at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Wozniak paused to criticize the stranglehold technology has on our lives.
Tunguska-Ereignis: Feuerraketen aus dem Boden ließen Taiga explodieren
1908 mähte eine Explosion in Sibirien Tausende Bäume um. Wilde Spekulationen folgten: War es ein Meteorit, Antimaterie oder gar ein Ufo? Jetzt vermuten Forscher eine vulkanische Ursache. Demnach schossen Feuerraketen aus der Erde - das könnte auch in Europa passieren.
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