A Tank pointing at a giant old person
Ist bestimmt nichts besonderes und auch nichts neues, aber ein kleines Team hat sich mal die Aufgabe gemacht die Steuerverteilung in den USA zu visualisieren. Die Daten kommen von What we pay for.
Die haben das so gut gemacht, dass Google darauf aufmerksam geworden ist und das Projekt nun auch unterstützt.
- Who are you, and what’s your site all about? We are Andrew and Louis, two computer engineers from Minneapolis in the analytics field. Both political enthusiasts, we found it frustrating that there was no easy way to browse the federal budget, and even if you looked at the numbers it was hard to relate to spending because it’s in “billions” and “trillions” of dollars. We believe that this disconnect between the people and where their tax money is being spent has contributed to increased inefficiencies in government, special interest influence, and lack of political participation. Our website, WhatWePayFor.com allows you to easily browse the federal budget and see where the amount of money you contribute through taxes is being spent. Our goal is to make government spending more understandable so that our citizens can be better informed, exploring objective data rather than listening only to political rhetoric.
Eine schöne Website und vor allem ansprechende Datstellung der Daten
Ein sehr ehrliches und tolles Kommentar, dass die ganze Sache auf den Punkt bringt:
Here’s my visualization - One big fucking tank pointing at a giant old person taking their medication. Everything else is just too small to make out clearly.