Insipid 2.5
Winnowing Hall
Important BUGFIX release
Sorry about the error, but there is already an updated version: 2.5.1 - Caves of Circe - (2020-03-22)
I’m happy to announce the release of Insipid 2.5 Winnowing Hall.
Upgrade notes
## version 2.5 - Winnowing Hall
+ Update config file with the two new constants. See config.default and
snapshots-of-linked-webpage.txt for more information
version 2.5 - Winnowing Hall (2020-03-21)
+ Added a thumbnail by talking to Google page speed API
Planned was a full page snapshot, but only got the thumbnail.
Needs some more work with headless chrome.
+ Instead you can now decide to make a full page screenshot
using wkhtmltoimage. See documentation about it.
+ Improved documentation
Download it here: 2.5 - Winnowing Hall - (2020-03-21), Checksum md5, sha1
More information about Insipid can be found here.